About KC
Writer, dog lover, software geek, champion web surfer

I grew up in the mid-western USA and Hawaii, and earned a B.A. in Russian from Florida State University (Go Noles!). After a year in Taiwan teaching English and studying Mandarin Chinese, I lived in the Arizona desert, where I founded a Rottweiler rescue organization and worked as a software engineer and technical writer. My interests include computer programming, karate, backpacking, motorcycle riding, dog training, skiing, and computer gaming. I currently live in Oregon.
I started writing as a kid, but never considered writing for publication until I was around 30 years old. By the time I was first published, I'd written four novels, gone through numerous workshops and critique groups, and worked hard to improve my writing skills. In 2005, I attended the Viable Paradise workshop in beautiful Martha's Vineyard. I also attended a workshop by David Farland. I'm kind of a writing geek, I guess, into the art and craft of writing.
That same year, I entered my newly completed fourth novel in a contest for which the first-place prize was a hardcover contract. I won! At the five-year mark, the publisher reverted rights back to me, and so I self-published it under the imprint name Peach Orchard Press to make it available in ebook and paperback.
I'm a proud Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA) member.
I also write the occasional (one so far!) contemporary romance under the pen name Alane Hudson.
Black Lives Matter
As a proud mixed-race American, I strongly believe that Black lives DO matter.
The rampant unequal, often violent or deadly treatment in our justice/legal system for people of color crushes my soul. I've begun including a tribute character in my books, starting with Aria of the Awakened, naming a minor character in memory of a real-life, innocent, law-abiding person of color shot dead by police. As a writer of a certain age, there's not much I feel qualified to do personally to fix the broken societal problems, aside from sharing my voice and perspective, and that's what I do.