KC May

author of fantasy & science fiction

Requiem of Reprisal

Requiem of Reprisal book cover

The choice between power and justice is never an easy one

Gatekeeper Jora Lanseri has emerged victorious once again, despite Dominee Ibsa’s refusal to help. Now Jora must journey to the neighboring city to recover the stolen godheart and bring Ibsa back to face justice for betraying the queen. But when Jora returns to the capital, she finds powerful forces have converged with one goal in mind—to force the Gatekeeper to do their bidding.

Map of Serocia

The continuing tale of Jora Lanseri, whose ongoing battle of magic and wits against her enemies is taken to a new level with even greater stakes—her very soul.

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Requiem of Reprisal is available in print and ebook formats.